Original logo by Kuya Robert Alejandro and Team

Urban Farmers PH (UF Sustainable Concepts Organization, Inc.) is a Non-Government Organization dedicated to sustainable living and promoting urban farming to city residents.

By exposing city residents to practices like urban farming and the effort that goes into growing our food, we cultivate an appreciation for the agriculture industry and promote respect for the Filipino farmer.

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We work hand-in-hand with various partners to promote and sustain worthy causes!

Education & Awareness

Urban Farmers PH brings information about the agriculture industry and engages city residents to respect the noble profession of farming.

Hands-on Experiences

We host workshops and events designed to create enlightening, memorable moments that center on the effort that goes into growing food and sustainable practices

Food Security Issues

The organization stresses the importance of bringing awareness to our food security issues in cities. This is what spurred the organization since the very beginning – from 2020 to the present day.

High Prices, Low Farmer Income

Due to a complicated supply chain and transport issues that affect access to food in cities, prices in markets are high while farmers earn less.

Filipinos' Low Consumption

Filipinos fall short of the 400 grams of fruits and vegetables the UN and the FAO recommends to ward off malnutrition especially among kids.

Ageing Farmers, Low Dignity of Labor

Our farmers who work the land are getting older while the youth are less likely to replace them because of sociocultural factors.

We hope that by bringing these issues to light through urban farming, we can expose city residents and the youth to enliven, enrich, and respect Filipino Agriculture and those who put the food on our tables.

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